Esp Migration And Vendor Evaluation

Led by the team at Email Connect, the Global Email Alliance is ready to help top brands connect with and select the right email service providers (ESPs) and customer data platforms (CDPs).

Trusted by Clients

Get the Support You Need to Find a New ESP or CDP.

With the scorecard-driven methodology employed by the Global Email Alliance, we’ve helped some of the world’s best-known brands make the right ESP and CDP connections. Side-by-side vendor comparisons are made easy at each stage of the process and our understanding of the vendor landscape is unsurpassed.

Successful RFPs require three elements:


The right list of vendors to evaluate.


A rigid selection methodology to follow.


Unparalleled insight into pricing models to secure a great contract.

With Global Email Alliance, you get all three elements of a successful RFP every time.

Why the Global Email Alliance?

Unbiased Advice

We don’t have referral agreements with vendors, so we have no financial stake in which vendor our clients select.


We have unparalleled insight into market pricing over the past 10 years and use that to get great deals for our clients.


Our current and past clients include Fortune 500 companies in the retail, publishing, insurance, and travel & hospitality industries.


With 10+ years of experience working with both vendors and clients, we can ensure that the chosen vendor delivers on the promised functionality and value.


We have deep, longstanding relationships with senior management at all the leading ESPs and CDPs.


We have an unparalleled understanding of the major enterprise platforms’ strengths and weaknesses and how they operate.


Our teams work with vendors and internal stakeholders to ensure a smooth process, protect your business-as-usual efforts, and minimize required meetings.

Contact the Global Email Alliance

Get in touch with us today. A representative from the Global Email Alliance will be in touch with you to set up a free consultation where we'll discuss your current program, challenges, and goals, and recommend next steps.